syllabication examples

syllabication examples

less than a minute read 06-09-2024
syllabication examples

Syllabication, or the division of words into syllables, is an essential aspect of language that helps with pronunciation, reading, and writing. Understanding how to syllabicate words can significantly enhance your literacy skills. Below, we’ll explore the basics of syllabication and provide numerous examples.

What is a Syllable?

A syllable is a single, unbroken unit of spoken language. It typically contains a vowel sound and may also include consonants. For instance, the word "computer" can be broken down into three syllables: com-pu-ter.

Rules of Syllabication

Here are some common rules for syllabication:

  1. One vowel sound per syllable: Each syllable contains one vowel sound. For example:

    • Water: wa-ter
    • Teacher: teach-er
  2. Consonant between two vowels: When a single consonant comes between two vowels, it usually goes with the second vowel. For example:

    • Basket: bas-ket
    • Basic: ba-sic
  3. Consonant clusters: When two or more consonants are together, they can form a syllable together, or one may go to the next syllable. For example:

    • Catnip: cat-nip
    • Basket: bas-ket
  4. Compound words: Each part of a compound word is a separate syllable. For example:

    • Butterfly: but-ter-fly
    • Toothbrush: tooth-brush

Examples of Syllabication

Here are some examples of syllabication, with the syllables separated by a hyphen:

Two-Syllable Words

  • Happy: hap-py
  • Water: wa-ter
  • Garden: gar-den
  • Market: mar-ket

Three-Syllable Words

  • Computer: com-pu-ter
  • Family: fam-i-ly
  • Beautiful: beau-ti-ful
  • Animal: an-i-mal

Four-Syllable Words

  • Unbelievable: un-be-liev-a-ble
  • Individual: in-di-vid-u-al
  • Incredible: in-cred-i-ble
  • Constitutional: con-sti-tu-tion-al

Multi-Syllable Examples with Compound Words

  • Basketball: bas-ket-ball
  • Rainbow: rain-bow
  • Cupcake: cup-cake
  • Firefighter: fire-fight-er


Syllabication is a fundamental skill that aids in the correct pronunciation and understanding of words. By practicing syllabication, you can improve your reading and writing abilities. Use the examples provided to enhance your skills and become more confident in your language use. Remember, each word can be broken down into its syllables, making it easier to understand and articulate.

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